How Customer Reviews Help to Generate More Sales

Most people read reviews before they make a purchase online. Why would you want to pay top dollar to

get more customers to your ecommerce store when one of the best tricks is nesting right in front of

you? There are many ways you can encourage more of your visitors to make a purchase, but the easiest

is through customer reviews and take it from us, there are tons of benefits when it comes to customer

reviews. Today, we are going to tell you how customer reviews help to generate mor sales.

Number 1 - Reviews Gives You Direct Feedback

Through customer reviews, you will receive direct feedback, which will give you the opportunity to see

exactly what customers think of your products. If you have a product that just so happens to be

receiving a large amount of positive feedback, you could take that product and move it to the front page

of your catalog. This way, you can rest with the satisfaction of knowing that those popular items are

getting the best exposure.

Number 2 - Customer Reviews Can Help Improve SEO

It’s true, customer reviews can help improve SEO, without a doubt. Google and other search engines

love content that is update on a frequent basis and we don’t blame them – who wants the same old

content? If you have customers that are leaving reviews practically every day, this means your page is

being updated frequently. Here’s a special hint for you – to make sure the search engines are able to

get to the user generated content on your site, make sure the reviews are appearing in text form in the

HTML. Avoid relying on JavaScript, iFrames and images because this will make it where search engines

won’t be able to see the content, which isn’t helpful at all.

Number 3 - Customer Reviews Are a Part of the Decision Making Process

As we stated in the beginning of this article, most people do their research and read reviews before they

purchase a product, especially electronics. Think about it – when you set out to purchase a new gadget,

do you buy it blindly, or do you do research to see what others are saying about it? If it has a large

amount of bad reviews, you move on and look at the next gadget on your list. Customer reviews are all a

part of the decision making process and make it easy for shoppers to decide if they want the product or


As you see, positive customer reviews are definitely needed, as it can help you get more sales and can

help you connect with your customers. Each time you have a customer purchase something from you,

ask them if they could leave a review – yes, this is easier said than done, because you may already be

too busy to send out those emails, but you can set up an autoresponder to take care of this for you. To

increase the chances of customers leaving reviews, make sure your ecommerce platform is user friendly.